Monday, August 28, 2006

I swear...You lied!

The UPM VC has told the world that the fracas that had happened in the campus is settled, hoping people will forget the disgrareful incident by and by. Unfortunately, his plan is not going to work this time. The students who were being victimised by mobs did not give up. Instead, they rebutted all lies which were told by the UPM VC, in several Statutory Declarations, sworn before a Commissioner of Oath.

In her statutory declaration, Chew Siew Fong, a trainee reporter of an online news portal ( who was alleged by the UPM VC to have slipped and fallen on her own, rebutted the lie forcefully. She has also disclosed the conversations between the so-called "independent" inquiry panel and herself. (* I will post her full Statutory Declaration tomorrow, judge it by yourself)

The SPF (Student Progressive Front) students have shown their determination to reveal the truth of the incident, does the UPM authority has guts to uncover the verity?

UPM students want new inquiry

Scuffle: UPM urged not to hide report